Dragon Research Buddies
Do you enjoy dragon research and want to share your findings?
I love expanding the historical / research sections of this blog, but blog maintenance stuff sometimes gets in the way. I also return to older blog posts to refresh them a little bit.
I’m happy to fact-check, edit, credit and link back to your website and social media accounts with your contribution.
An accompanying list of references (book or URL) are always appreciated.
- Example (2024): Zar Antonov has kindly sent some dragon research notes, which I’m currently formatting.
- Looking for notes on:
- Russian dragons
- Indian dragons
- Southeast Asian dragons
- Other cultures or topics (okay to add on to current list)
Other Recommendations
- I’m also happy to share other dragon-related stuff (art, products, photos) in future blog posts
- Email me (or use the contact form on that page)
- Optional: Join DragonMail (newsletter) where you can keep up with the latest curated updates
Thank you! ๐
— Jess Chua