Today, we have a QnA with Daniel Schroecker who’s created an amazing and unique dragon journal.
Side Note: Started a new QnA category on this blog.
Daniel is a dragon lover from Germany whose connection to dragons has gotten deeper through his travels and spiritual practices over the past few years. He’s grateful for how dragons helped him a lot on his way.
Quick stats about this dragon journal—
Book Title: Dragon Memoirs 01 – Ignite Your Inner Fire
Book Size: 21×21 cm (8.3 x 8.3 inches), 232 pages with 55 digitally created pictures of Dragons
About the Book: This is Daniel’s first book and his intention is to give others a magical tool that can support them on their journey. You are the author of the book, because 3/4 of the pages are blank and meant for you to make your own notes or drawings.
You can use the book as a notebook and enjoy the beautiful dragon pictures or use it as a tool for meditation, shadow work, and spiritual growth.
The text on the first page is in English and German. The book will be printed on demand. There’s a softcover and hardcover version.
33% of book profits will go to reforestation projects like!
Buy: At tredition shop
Here’s a quick chat with the author of this beautiful book.

About the Author:
Name: Daniel Schroecker
From: Germany
Interests: Traveling, art, music, nature, yoga, qigong, cooking, doing nothing, and enjoying good company 🙂 Also a fellow Diablo I-III player.
QnA with Daniel Schroecker:
1. Hi Daniel! Tell us more about your book and its unique part dragon journal, part art book format.
Hi Jess, thanks alot for posting about the book. It’s my very first publication and my intention is to provide a magical tool that can support the user on their physical, mental and spiritual journey. For those who aren’t interested in meditation or spiritual growth, it functions as a notebook or journal with beautiful pictures.
Dragons are wise, warm, loving and very powerful ethereal elementals. They operate on many different vibrational frequencies in different dimensions and love to help when you connect with them and ask for assistance.
Another intention is to revive the child in us grown-ups. Be as ecstatic, joyful, curious and open-minded as a child again. Children live much more in the Now and see the world as possibilities and not as unchangeable things. Everything is possible. Remember.
The background behind the combination part journal, part art book format is quite simple. A picture says more than a thousand words and therefore generates feelings, emotions, memories or even bodily sensations by the observer. No matter what shows up from your subconscious mind after observing a picture and connecting with this Dragon, you then have the possibility to write it down on the next 3 pages. And if you are into spiritual growth, you can work with the information from your subconscious.
It’s by purpose I didn’t give names or further information about the Dragons. This gives you the opportunity to train your intuition, feeling and imagination when connecting with the Dragon.
2. Tell us more about how your spiritual connection to Dragons got deeper and what you learned along the way.
As a child I spent most of my free time in the forest and outside in nature.
I grew up in Freising, a little town north of Munich. And I was fascinated by Dragons.
11 years ago, I had a burn-out and heavy depression due to much work (3d-artist and graphic designer) and a lot of drugs (DJ and party scene). My soul was screaming from very far away to change my life. Then I started meditating, doing yoga, changing my behaviours and reprograming my subconscious mind. Suddenly the Dragons started to show up again.
4 years ago I gave up my residence and started traveling. I followed my heart and gut feeling and mostly landed at places in nature, where you could feel the presence of Dragons. So my connection to them got deeper and deeper and real magic showed up more and more.
To answer the question, what I learned along the way…well, that could fill a few books.
But to put it in 4 words: Focus on unconditional Love.
3. Your art features very bold and vibrant colours. Did colour always feature this way in your art?
Not always.
I had periods in my life where I created black & white art. And I still love b&w.
4. It’s wonderful that a portion of your profits will go to reforestation projects. Do you have any advice for those of us suffering from eco-anxiety?
You can respond in two ways to anxiety.
If you respond with fear, you give away your power, weaken yourself and don’t support the ecosystem. So you should rather focus on Love and have deep trust on a positive outcome.
With this attitude you are not only helping yourself, but also the collective and all of creation.
5. Do you have a favorite dragon story?
It’s not strictly a dragon story, but I love The NeverEnding Story and Falkor is one of my favorite dragons.
6. Who are some of your favorite artists?
Creation itself, Amaringo, Dali, Monet, Chagall, Picasso, and many many more…
7. Feel free to share anything else with our website visitors.
Series 02-06 of the Dragon Memoirs are already in the making. Stay tuned…
You can get a copy of the Dragon Memoirs at tredition shop.
My other sites:
Instagram | Facebook | SoundCloud | RedBubble
Thanks to everyone, who took their time to read these lines.
Stay calm, have fun, enjoy life and focus on the Love.
Greetings from the Dragons.
Big hug to you.
Thanks, Daniel, for letting us have a closer look at your creative thought process behind this dragon journal!