
Visitor QnA

Short and sweet QnAs with Dragonsinn site visitors! Learn more about fellow dragon enthusiasts and/or take part in the QnA.

It’s always nice to hear from website visitors πŸ‘‹

I forgot that I had a visitor QnA Google form sitting around πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

The good news is that I’m actually finally trying out a new web hosting company. So far, so good. At least the backend dashboard is loading a lot more quickly now.

I’ll add this Visitor QnA form to a couple of pages on the site so that it’s easier to find.

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Fill out the form below (or click this form link if the embedded form isn’t loading).

I’ll add QnA’s to this post and start a new post if/when it gets too long.

For today, here’s Giselleβ€”

QnA #1: Giselle

Name: Giselle D.

Website/Social Media: N/A

What’s your favorite dragon book?

The Reluctant Dragon; I read it in middle school to get myself acquainted with reading chapter books.

In addition to The Reluctant Dragon, which I read in middle school, I also enjoyed a lot of other dragon books in certain series, such as the Dragon Kin series by G.A. Aiken, the Harper Hall trilogy by Anne McCaffrey, and the Wings of Fire series by Tui T. Sutherland.

What’s your favorite dragon artwork?

Interpretations of the Elder Dragon Legends from the Magic the Gathering card game such as Vaevictis Asmadi and various dragons from the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game such as Guardragon Justicia.

When did you first like dragons?

I first liked dragons when I discovered that I was born in the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese zodiac. Since then, I continue my fascination of dragons to this very day through curious browsing of popular media such as movies and video games.

Also, I have made up original characters who are dragon deities who created their world and universe and take on human forms to live in secrecy, and am currently writing my own mythological stories on them.

Anything else you’d like to share or add?

I wrote a lot of content about my original characters who shapeshift between dragon and human forms!

There’s so much I want to share about that, but I never want to take up anyone’s time.

May 2024 Update: I’m now a Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition) addict, as I do my own solo roleplay as both Dungeon Master and player character!

I’ve created a lot of dragonborn characters, yet the ones I focus on are four bronze dragonborn and four blue dragonborn who together make up the Storm Dragonkin. In a nutshell, the Storm Dragonkin are a small group of multiversal adventuring bronze and blue dragons who shapeshift to different humanoid forms and back.

Even though I’m writing my “Stories of the Storm Dragonkin,” the world isn’t ready for my lightning-breathing dragon heroes yet.

NOTE FROM JESS: I’m sure there are many people who’d like to learn more about those dragon heroes! I’ll update this section if Giselle would like to share more about that in future.

By Jess

Jess Chua is an award-winning writer and sketch artist.

Dragonsinn was launched in June 1999. Jess works in the knowledge management field and enjoys yoga, reading, and design.

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