Dragon History

Happy Lunar New Year! (Dragon, 2024)

Happy lunar new year! Here are a few links to articles which have an amazing array of dragon lunar new year photos from around the globe.

An old school friend of mine is currently visiting China, and she posted some amazing pictures on FB!

That reminded me about Chinese New Year 2024, which was on Saturday, 10 February 2024.

Here’s a colorful lantern picture from Yuyuan Garden in Shanghai (part of an annual lantern show on 21 January 2024), an event my friend attended in person.

dragon lantern lunar new year
Pic from CGTN

The art installations captured the “radiance of classical Chinese poetry from hundreds of years ago.”

I found the above two photos via Facebook, taken by When are you going home.

Check out the Yuyuan Garden – 上海豫園 page for even more gorgeous photography.


Lunar New Year (Dragon) Celebrations around the world

2024 is a Wood dragon year.

South China Morning Post has a captivating visual story of the year of the dragon, if you’d like to learn more cultural and historical quick facts.

Marina Bay Sands (Singapore)

A couple of beautiful pictures from the dragon(s) at Marina Bay Sands!

This website will be 25 years old in June 2024, which fits with the Chinese dragon year theme!

I’ve been thinking of cleaning up and streamlining the content on this website a little bit. I have an interview to format, and would like to move forward with short, postcard-style posts when I feel like updating this original hobby website of mine.

I’ve also removed / paused Adsense for now as I couldn’t for the life of me figure out an elegant way to comply with GDPR compliance guidelines. I could have tried targeting the pop-up message to EU visitors only. . .but that may have taken up more time than I would’ve liked.

I might remove the old zine link in the navigation bar to something more focused.

The Wood Dragon’s influence in 2024 is linked to evolution, improvement, and abundance. Let’s keep that in mind with any personal or other goals we have as we make our way through this year.

By Jess

Jess Chua is an award-winning writer and sketch artist.

Dragonsinn was launched in June 1999. Jess works in the knowledge management field and enjoys yoga, reading, and design.

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