Personal Updates

2025: Happy New Year!

Retroactively completing the anniversary series from Q4 of 2024 (for the site’s 25th anniversary). Poetry updates and happy new year!

Oops, I kind of fell behind with posting in Q4 of 2024 ๐Ÿ˜…

I had some work and life changes to adapt or adjust to.

I did some reflection over the break at the end of the year, and would like to be more organised and streamlined with my various plans and hobbies in 2025.

Dragon Poetry Collection

This page still needs some work, but I added it to the site so that I have a visible reminder of this project.

Condensed Version of Q4 Posts

You can view last year’s 25th anniversary posts here:

This is a super summarized version of my original ideas.

Posting here to retroactively complete the anniversary series.

October 2024: Books

I’ve been reading a lot more non-fiction than fiction books in my 30s (apart from Iris Murdoch!).

Here are some of the dragon books I have right now ๐Ÿ“š

dragon books non-fiction
  1. The Penguin Book of Dragons
  2. Llewellyn’s Little Book of Dragons
  3. The Book of The Dragon – CIRUELO
  4. The Dragon in China and Japan
  5. A Book of Dragons (edited by Roger Lancelyn Green) – I’d read the author’s rendition of the Robin Hood Adventures when I was a child, and I loved it!

November 2024: Microcast

I originally was thinking of narrating some of my dragon poems.

And maybe chatting about something art or tarot/astrology related, as they are huge influences in my life.

Posted a quick microcast here to get the ball rolling a little bit in 2025.

December 2024: Memory Box

I actually put this together in April!

It started off as a time capsule idea (H/T Obscurium and Wikihow for the idea).

I ended up going with a memory box as I don’t intend to bury it in the ground (I’d like to keep the items indoors so they’re more protected from the elements).

The handwritten note from April 2024 says:

“Greetings from Jess /!

I’m about 10 posts away from finally reaching 100 posts on the blog. I’ve ordered a few Dragonsinn hand-drawn stickers and will add some of them into the time capsule.

I’d like this [memory box] to hold happy memories and be a reminder of longevity and intentional living.

Thanks to all Dragonsinn visitors for being part of the journey ๐Ÿ’–”

dragon memory box

By Jess

Jess Chua is an award-winning writer and sketch artist.

Dragonsinn was launched in June 1999. Jess works in the knowledge management field and enjoys yoga, reading, and design.

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