Dragon Poems

Update on my Dragon Poetry Book

Quick thoughts on the progress of my dragon poetry book. Current status, plans, some highlights, and related language interests or projects.

I recently got an email about one of my old poems, and realized that my contact form wasn’t really working 🫠

I don’t know how long that has been going on for. I removed the previous contact form plugin and embedded the newsletter contact form for now.

Anyway, the email reminded me of a project I half-started on earlier this year.

poetry book by jess Chua
Dragon Poetry Book


What’s the status?

I haven’t touched it in several months as I’ve had a lot going on this year (including an interstate move, work trip, and covid!).

I like to really take my time with poetry as rushing it is just going to be pointless. I wrote some of the original poems when I was 13 years old, so it’d be fun to see how some of the writing or perspectives have changed since then.

The original plan was to complete the poetry book in time for the website’s 25th anniversary/birthday…but yeah, that wasn’t going to happen.

I’ve been spending much more time this year on visual art endeavors (some of which you can view on RedBubble or my personal site).

How many poems are there?

I think I was aiming for 25 to 50 poems.

I have a list somewhere. I thought it was on Google Docs, though I just searched and didn’t see it, which means it was probably written down in one of my journals…somewhere. I think it’s the one with a black cover as that was the one I was using for creative writing before I moved back to Maine.

I’ve completed maybe 7 to 10 poems which are currently on the website.

What are some highlights?

Are there other poetry books?

I wrote a chapbook last year on a “dark and relatable theme.” 🖤

rip front-2
The cover was really fun to draw / conceptualize!

I had a second chapbook or full-length poetry book in mind. I completed the first draft which is still pretty unpolished. It’s also centered around darker themes that aren’t all relationship or heartbreak oriented.

Maybe I’ll resume edits on it next year.

Books, Grammar, Etc.

If you like reading Iris Murdoch or have similar recommendations, let me know.

I’m currently about halfway through The Sandcastle.

I’ve also been slowly adding a few more designs to Redbubble and finally hit 25 designs.

Here’s one of my grammar-related dragon designs.

Grammar Dragon Magnet

By Jess

Jess Chua is an award-winning writer and sketch artist.

Dragonsinn was launched in June 1999. Jess works in the knowledge management field and enjoys yoga, reading, and design.

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